Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wrong for Right?

It is amazing at how ignorant people can be. I can see how building a mosque near ground zero can be painful. It is a reminder of what happened to those innocent people on September 11th, 2001. But is it okay to attack an entire religion based off of the actions of a few? Is it okay to destroy the holy writ of a culture? Now, Americans will kill over someone disrespecting the American flag. But some of these people are downright disrespectful to the Islam culture. But I do not blame them. They are ignorant. I have adopted the concept of not being mad at people for who they are. Those who are willing to burn the Qur’an are closed minded individuals.
It is unbelievable how we say that we separate the church and state in America. That is far from true. Many may not want to admit it but America is a majority Christian country. And it is closed minded to other religions being freely expressed and practiced. For example, we swear on the Bible when we provide testimonies in court. That is an issue for those who do not believe that the Bible is sacred. They will not feel obligated to tell the honest truth.
It is a sad day when a man has no respect for another. I linked a YouTube video of a gentleman burning a Qur’an. Please look at it. I don’t believe that it is acceptable to do wrong for right.